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세계 국가별 채무 비율, 세계 국가 채무 비율 알 수 있는 곳


2021년 세계 국가별 채무 비율

일본 -256.5%
G7 -139.5%
미국 -132.8%

선진국 -112.5%
중국 -69.6%
한국 -53.2%


세계 국가 채무 비율 알아보기 - IMF 국제통화기금

국가채무란 정부가 재정적자 등의 이유로 국내외에서 돈을 빌려 나중에 갚아야 할 국가의 빚을 말한다.
국가채무비율은 국가채무를 GDP(국내총생산)을 나눈 값으로 부채의 건전성을 볼 수 있다.

일본의 국가 채무 비율은 256.5%나 되는데 경제적으로 잘 나가던 1980년 초에는 국가 채무 비율이 39% 밖에 되지 않았다. 1985년 플라자 합의 후 일본경제가 성장이 꺾이면서 부채가 늘어나기 시작했고 1990년대 2000년대 초저금리시대에 
부채가 크게 증가하게 된다. 그리고 비이상적으로 커진 부채는 경제성장에 큰 걸림돌이 되고 있다.

2021년 세계 국가 채무 비율   ©IMF, 2021


IMF 홈페이지 제공

붉은 색이 진할 수록 부채 비율이 높은 나라다.

General government gross debt (Percent of GDP) 2021년
Japan 256.5
Sudan 211.7
Greece 210.1
Eritrea 175.6
Suriname 157.4
Italy 157.1
Barbados 143.0
Maldives 139.7
Major advanced economies (G7) 139.5
Cabo Verde 137.6
Belize 134.6
United States 132.8
Portugal 131.4
Aruba 130.3
Singapore 129.5
Bahrain 129.4
North America 128.0
Mozambique 125.3
Bhutan 123.4
Advanced economies 122.5
Western Hemisphere (Region) 122.4
Zambia 118.7
Spain 118.4
Canada 116.3
Belgium 115.9
France 115.2
Cyprus 113.0
Antigua and Barbuda 111.8
Angola 110.7
Seychelles 110.4
United Kingdom 107.1
East Asia 106.5
Sri Lanka 105.4
San Marino 102.6
Brazil 98.4
Euro area 98.2
Jamaica 96.5
Dominica 96.4
Western Europe 95.4
Asia and Pacific 94.9
Montenegro 94.6
European Union 93.0
Egypt 92.9
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 91.8
Jordan 91.2
Tunisia 91.2
Congo, Republic of 90.5
Bahamas, The 88.6
Saint Lucia 88.4
El Salvador 88.2
Mauritius 87.7
Pakistan 87.7
Austria 87.2
India 86.6
Croatia 86.3
Europe 86.2
North Africa 83.8
Fiji 83.6
South America 83.4
Iceland 82.5
South Asia 82.5
Ghana 81.5
South Africa 80.8
Slovenia 80.5
Hungary 80.0
Israel 78.3
Guinea-Bissau 78.1
Mongolia 77.9
Morocco 77.1
Malawi 76.8
Burundi 75.6
Latin America and the Caribbean 75.5
Albania 75.4
Grenada 74.5
Gambia, The 73.9
Kyrgyz Republic 73.4
Yemen 73.0
Costa Rica 72.5
Saint Kitts and Nevis 72.5
São Tomé and Príncipe 72.4
Australia 72.1
Caribbean 72.0
Kenya 71.5
Namibia 71.4
Oman 71.3
Gabon 71.1
Sierra Leone 70.4
Germany 70.3
Armenia 69.9
Iraq 69.7
China, People's Republic of 69.6
Bolivia 69.0
Emerging and Developing Asia 68.9
Finland 68.8
Australia and New Zealand 68.7
Lao P.D.R. 68.3
Uruguay 68.0
Malaysia 67.0
Senegal 66.8
Dominican Republic 66.6
Rwanda 66.0
Africa (Region) 66.0
Ecuador 65.1
Puerto Rico 64.8
Colombia 64.2
Slovak Republic 64.0
Emerging market and developing economies 64.0
Georgia 63.9
Algeria 63.3
Ireland 63.2
Trinidad and Tobago 62.1
Panama 61.4
Mexico 60.5
Togo 60.0
Qatar 59.8
Sub-Saharan Africa (Region) 59.1
Serbia 59.0
Central America 59.0
Southeast Asia 58.6
Ukraine 58.1
Malta 57.9
Poland 57.4
Nauru 57.1
Liberia 57.0
Mauritania 56.3
Sub-Saharan Africa 56.2
Netherlands 56.1
Ethiopia 56.0
Thailand 55.9
Other advanced economies 54.0
Honduras 53.9
North Macedonia 53.8
Korea, Republic of 53.2
Middle East and Central Asia 53.0
Eswatini 52.8
Romania 52.6
Pacific Islands 52.6
Philippines 51.9
Zimbabwe 51.4
ASEAN-5 49.9
Lesotho 49.8
Tajikistan 49.8
Nepal 49.6
Papua New Guinea 49.6
Lithuania 49.5
Myanmar 49.1
Samoa 49.0
Uganda 48.8
Vanuatu 48.7
Vietnam 48.0
West Bank and Gaza 47.9
Benin 47.7
Nicaragua 47.6
Middle East (Region) 47.3
Latvia 47.2
South Sudan, Republic of 47.0
Madagascar 46.9
Burkina Faso 46.8
New Zealand 46.4
Côte d'Ivoire 46.3
Mali 46.1
Belarus 45.7
Switzerland 44.8
Niger 44.5
Equatorial Guinea 44.1
Czech Republic 44.0
Tonga 43.7
Cameroon 42.5
Guinea 42.3
Uzbekistan 42.3
Central African Republic 42.2
Chad 41.7
Denmark 41.6
Norway 41.6
Guyana 41.4
Indonesia 41.4
Sweden 40.4
Bangladesh 40.2
Djibouti 40.2
Eastern Europe 39.6
Moldova 39.5
Bosnia and Herzegovina 38.6
Tanzania 37.9
Emerging and Developing Europe 37.5
Turkey 37.1
United Arab Emirates 37.1
Iran 36.6
Paraguay 35.7
Central Asia and the Caucasus 35.6
Peru 35.4
Chile 33.6
Cambodia 33.4
Guatemala 33.1
Taiwan Province of China 32.5
Nigeria 31.9
Saudi Arabia 31.0
Azerbaijan 30.9
Comoros 30.0
Kosovo 28.5
Kazakhstan 27.0
Luxembourg 26.8
Haiti 26.0
Turkmenistan 26.0
Bulgaria 25.5
Botswana 25.3
Estonia 25.1
Marshall Islands 23.3
Solomon Islands 22.3
Kiribati 21.4
Russian Federation 18.1
Micronesia, Fed. States of 15.3
Timor-Leste 15.0
Kuwait 13.7
Congo, Dem. Rep. of the 12.4
Tuvalu 11.8
Afghanistan 8.8
Brunei Darussalam 2.3
Hong Kong SAR 0.9
Macao SAR 0.0
